About the page
Tribute page is one of the projects one would build when learning web development.. The first time when I read the instructions in freecodecamp about this project (it was in summer 2022), admittedly, I struggled and confused. I wondered which great thinker in history I should choose to be the topic... or perhaps my favourite film director? Yet, after few months and now I am building the same project with more skills equipped, I wish to choose another approach to the topic and I asked myself the question below:
What is tribute?
As I am not a native English speaker, I looked up to the dictionary and found the following,
Tribute means something given or contributed voluntarily... showing respect, gratitude, or affection
From Merriam Webster
And suddenly it came to my mind that this can be used to record the achievements of a closed one and their (once) existence. Indeed, famous people have already many tribute pages dedicated to their achievements and influence, and each page contains more or less similar information, sometimes in greater details and sometimes rather in brief. On the other hand, ordinary people must also have something in their life worth being recorded in this vast internet, particularly those who have been special to us.
As a result, this triute page is made by me for my sister, Kayan Lam.
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